Panto!! Did You Miss It?


If you missed Panto you missed a treat.

So don’t miss ‘Death in High Heels’

April 21, 22, 23



Snow White square for web v3Written by Ben Crocker

Directed by Alyson Pellowe

You know the story!

But here is a reminder

The wicked Queen is obsessed by her own beauty and consults a mirror (with Speak True behind it).  She wants the mirror to say she is the fairest in the land, but Speak True says that “tomorrow” when she is 18, Snow White will be the fairest.  This starts various efforts by the Queen and her sidekick, BlackWing, to kill Snow White.

Snow White is saved by the Seven Dwarfs, who take her to their cottage in the wood.  Various “baddies” come to the cottage in disguise and the Queen eventually gets Snow White to eat a poisoned apple.  Everyone thinks she is dead, but she can be revived by a Prince’s kiss – which is what happens and they get married and of course live happily ever after.  The wicked Queen gets banished as the Dwarfs’ servant.

For this traditional family pantomime, Alyson Pellowe assembled a large cast, which included children and a children’s chorus.  There was a live band and lots of audience participation!  Oh yes, there was….!!

This production supported the children’s charity, Harrison’s Fund ( and £1 from every full-price ticket will be donated to Harrison’s Fund.Harrison's Fund logo 3.12.15

Dates: Thursday 14th, Friday 15th & Saturday 16th January 2016

Venue: Cobham Village Hall, Lushington Drive, KT11 2LU

Tickets: from Cobham Bookshop, 12a Anyards Road, Cobham Tel: 01932 862903


Online from:

Click on the TicketSource logo: or use the QR code.




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